I ended up having a good night at the bowling alley tonight (despite choking a couple of times). I rolled my 3rd 200 game in 3 weeks, and rolled my high series (558). As usual, I had a rough start. I managed to roll a 171 the first game (despite having 4 opens). The first game was tight, and I was able to strike in the 9th, 10th and 11th for the win. (We wouldn't of had a chance if the other bowlers on the team didn't show up in the 10 also.) In the 2nd game, I had an open (split) in the 2nd frame and guttered in the fill ball on the 10th frame for a 184. I rolled a 203 the last game. As with the other games, I tried to spoil a decent game with a 4 count on the 1st ball following a 4 bagger.
Overall, I am happy with my bowling tonight and my progress overall. After this week, my average is up to a 154.
My league record can be viewed
My pin-fall for tonight is below.