Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Practice - 31 Oct 12

Well, got some practice in today. I had only been practcing once a week due to needing a week off for my shoulder to recover.  This is the 1st week that my shoulder feels fine after bowling, so I might try to get some more practice in on Friday.  I had my high series last week with my 1st 600 series since I started bowling again, and I had my low series today with a 498.  It was still a good practice session though.  I had a hard time partly due to the lanes being pretty dry (need to get me a plastic ball).  My spare shooting was better today and only missed one single pin spare. I have let people know that I am interested in bowling league again, but I haven't had any offers yet.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Back to bowling right handed

Well, I haven't picked up a bowling ball in almost 5 months due to rotator cuff problems in my right shoulder. Prior to that, I switched to bowling left handed due to issues with my back. When I switched to bowling left handed, I intended on making it a permanent change. With that being said, I have practiced bowling right handed twice in the last 2 weeks, and have done ok. (It has been almost 2 years since I bowled right handed.)

I definitely don't have the power I used to have, but I am pleased with how I have started out. Until my shoulder gets stronger, I have to give my shoulder a couple of days off after rolling a 3 game set.