Saturday, March 2, 2013

Bowling Again - Week 8

After having 2 good weeks in a row, I struggled a bit this week.  The amount of oil on the inside did cause me to struggle a bit, and it was too dry on the outside for me to go down and in.  I tried slowing my ball down and swinging it out to the outside, and that didn't work too well either.  In the 6th frame of the 2nd game, I decided to move in to the 3rd arrow, and just stay in the oil.  I didn't have a lot of room for error, and if I missed right, it wasn't coming back.  Even with that, I did a lot better once I made the move inside.

On a positive note, I was 13 out of 14 for my non-split spares, and I was 1 out 6 on my split attempts.

bowling game

bowling game

bowling game

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